Monday, September 10, 2007

Rebuilding Perfmon counters on XP

Perfmon is an extremely handy utility to track application performance. When tracing the performance of .NET applications(VSTO/IBF) on the Office platform, I find the counter counter "# of Stubs" provided by the performance object ".NET CLR Interop" very useful. This counter displays the count of RCWs created by the CLR.

I wanted to use this counter on my XP box, but when I opened Perfmon, I could only see a list of random numbers in the Performance Object drop down box! The fix for this has been documented in KB300956. However, the steps in the KB did not help me. It was this discussion on the Channel9 forum that helped me restore the Perfmon counters. I stumbled on this link after a lot of searching, so thought of posting it here for future reference. Also, having submitted a feedback to Microsoft Support, I hope the KB article will be updated someday! :)

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