Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WebTest brings down Visual Studio.

I started a WebTest that fires 200,000 requests to the web server. I left the test running overnight. On getting back to work today, I found that the Visual Studio instance running the test has crashed!! To my dismay, Visual Studio did not even generate a trx file, which would have given me some idea as to how many requests it was able to shoot and what might have caused it to crash.

This experience has made me wiser though. I have now kicked off the webtest using command line.

mstest /testcontainer:testproject2.dll /test:WebTest1Coded /runconfig:localtestrun.Testrunconfig /resultsfile:testResults.trx

The test has completed and I have a 639 MB trx file lying on my disk, which always brings down Visual Studio when I try to load it. So it is now as good as not having the file to analyze. Take this lesson from me (for free) - Do not try to run a WebTest that will generate a trx file of such a size that it cannot be opened later in VS for analysis. I could not find anything on msdn that tells me of the upper limit on size of trx file. Can we have that, Microsoft?

Instead of trying to find a fault with Microsoft, let me see what could have gone wrong in the code. The WebTest code was firing 200,000 requests in a for loop with each request getting a different aspx page. I think I should remove the for loop, parameterize the web page and create a load test based on this webtest. Let me check this. Will update this space in a few hours :)

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